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Powell Responds to NYSFSMA Comments on CRS

Published on 11/9/2016
Powell Responds to NYSFSMA Comments on CRS
NYSFSMA sent a letter to Mr. Tom Powell, Chair of the CRS Task Force on March 31, 2016, which included comments on the Community Rating System in NYS and proposed solutions to the issues our communities face in joining the CRS.  We received a reply from Mr. Powell thanking the Association for our comments and letting us know that the CRS Task Force considered our recommendations in development of the 2017 CRS Coordinator's Manual.
Please take a few moments to read the letter that NYSFSMA sent to Mr. Powell NYSFSMA CRS Suggestions (03-31-2016)

as well as the reply from Mr. Powell Powell Response to CRS Suggestion Letter (11/04/2016)